New 10 GHz SSB/FM/ATV transvertor

For those who like to experiment at higher frequencies this new product of Roberto Zech, DG0VE might interest you.

The TRV10G is a all mode 70cm to 3cm transvertor that comes in 3 flavors: 250mW, 2 Watt and 4 Watt output.
It's in a metalbox, thus not waterproof, and it has an SMA output.
So you'll still need some semi-rigid coax to get to your antenna, but that's true for most Ham-projects at this frequency.

It works from 10368 up to 10370MHz but it's true range is 10350 up to 10480MHz, maximum 500mW drive power.

Find all the info on the website of dg0ve or use this direct link: